Order Troubleshooting
If you meant to successfully complete the order, something went wrong. Use the following information to ensure your order is being entered correctly.
If you canceled the order then this confirms your cancel was successful. If you wish to complete the order please make a new order here with the appropriate details.
Minimum Order
For orders with an offer code, we require a minimum order value in USD. Consider trying again with a larger order using the offer code to get the discount for your order. You can make the same order again without the offer code for the order to go through but miss out on the discount.
Product Availablility
If we do not have any products available, such as the product being out of stock or not fully developed yet, then it will not show up in the catalog. If all of our products are unavailable for one reason or another, then trying to continue will fail bringing you to this page. If you're interested you can keep up to date with us by subscribing to our mailing list, following us on social media, or periodically visiting our website here.
Order Staleness
If you didn't confirm your order within a few minutes, it may have gone stale. Your paypal account has not been charged and you can safely remake your order to confirm it.
Product Quantities
You must order at least 1 product for the order to be valid. This happens if you've mistakenly clicked 'continue' without inputting the number of copies you want. Please contact us if you're ordering at least 10 copies, you may qualify for a bulk discount.
Shipping Information
Enter your information accurately to prevent delays in processing your order and getting it shipped to you.
We use paypal to process your payment information. If you authorized the payment but were directed to this webpage instead of reviewing your order: please ensure your payment details are correct including: billing address, payment method details, or having enough funds available.
Server Error
If you beleive you've done everything correctly and still cannot complete the order, like the server hangs on a blank page or seems to be loading for more than several minutes, then please contact us we'll do our best to fix the issue and get your order into our system.