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Magic: The Gathering Planeswalker Royale Format

MTG Planeswalkers Royale Format
Image Credit: Wizards of the Coast via PeakPX

Last Modified: 2024-03-10

Publisher: Imagine Majesty Productions

Why Planeswalker Royale Format?

After the introduction of planeswalker cards it brought a very meta aspect of the game, planeswalkers, into the game itself. The game presumes you're a powerful planeswalker with your library. Having a planeswalker at your command is odd thematically if you're a planeswalker yourself. This format removes the player as a planeswalker themselves and heads your library with a team of planeswalkers that are coordinated by the player. I love building decks and playing Magic: The Gathering and this format requires building a deck around a team of planeswalkers in a similar manner of building around a commander. This format skips the slow start of other formats by starting with a few powerful planeswalkers in play. These powerful abilities give players more options to build synergy with their decks in a casual format.

Planeswalker Royale Format Rules

Talk to your playgroup and Planeswalker Royale community. Players may refuse to play against a deck with the Elderspell for obvious reasons. Just be transparent and try to maximize the fun for everyone. If you have some cruel cards, have a healthy sideboard to replace them if players don’t think it will be fun to play against a deck with those cards or an alternative deck that isn’t as cruel.


We're not associated to Wizards of the Coast or Magic: The Gathering in any way. Their respective trademarks are their own and this is simply a fan format. Officially supported formats can be viewed and Magic: The Gathering products can be purchased at their website:

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